Members of the Private Law Research Group
Leader of the research group:
Dr. habil. Viktória Harsági, associate professor, head of department – Department of Civil Procedural Law
Members of the research group:
Prof. Dr. László Burián - Department of Private International Law
Dr. habil. Zoltán Csehi - Department of Private Law and Commercial Law
Dr. Andrea Gyulai-Schmidt - Department of Private Law and Commercial Law
dr. E. Írisz Horváth - Department of Civil Procedural Law
Prof. Dr. Gábor Jobbágyi - Department of Private Law and Commercial Law
dr. Alexandra Kaliczka - Department of Private International Law, Department of Civil Procedural Law
dr. Balázs Landi - Department of Private Law and Commercial Law
dr. Anett Pogácsás - Department of Private Law and Commercial Law
Dr. Katalin Raffai - Department of Private International Law
dr. Dávid Sobor - Department of Private Law and Commercial Law
dr. Noémi Suri - Department of Civil Procedural Law
dr. Ferenc Szilágyi - Department of Private Law and Commercial Law
Prof. Dr. Levente Tattay - Department of Private Law and Commercial Law